Opendns dnscrypt disabled
Opendns dnscrypt disabled

opendns dnscrypt disabled opendns dnscrypt disabled

Next, navigate to /etc/dnsmasq.d and have a look around.

opendns dnscrypt disabled

It sounds a bit cyclic, but as PiHole is working as a DNS server it can also provide DNS for itself: nameserver The first step is to modify your /etc/nf file to point to the local machine as its own DNS server. The final test is to ensure that DNSSEC is working properly. sudo service unbound restart dig -p 5335 7. You should see the status as "NOERROR" with an IP address for the server. Restart the Unbound server and run the dig command to test DNS resolution. I was able to find a repo for a combined container of pihole and docker here but my issue was that the pihole version in that container is outdated as of this post. I'm able to get the docker-compose to setup pihole thanks to the github guide, but I can't find any guide from pihole's documentation on how to setup unbound via docker. Cloudflared Pihole I've been following Pihole's documentation to get this running found here and have got both containers starting, and pihole working I have not been on my own network Step 4: Deaktivating DHPC on Nethserver/ Activating DHCP an pihole Pi-hole is a network-wide ad blocker Pi-hole is a network-wide ad blocker.

Opendns dnscrypt disabled